

Okay, so....I know that we're going to struggle in our lives sometimes and have difficult times. I even know that everything won't be smooth sailing. But, for some reason, i like to think that it just shouldn't be ;) No, but seriously, how many of you would sign on the dotted line for stress, frustration, pain, and hurt. Shoot, "Not I" says the cat:)

So, let me tell u a lil of my business without telling you my business, heehee. A couple of months ago, i was laid off from my job (another one of those things I thought would never happen to me) But, it showed me that no matter how talented, seemingly invaluable, and successful you are, you can still be shown the door. Long story, short - Upon being laid off, the Lord made it clear to me that it was time to make a move. He opened door after door after door. I knew it was Him and, not even three weeks later, I was on the road - excited and ready for a new adventure. Conversely, once I moved, it almost seemed like a dead end. The road that He had made so clear before looked hazy and blurred.

But, in the midst of all that, this is what's been rolling around inside of me the past couple of days...

It is vital that we understand that when God opens doors for us, we must walk through IN FAITH and keep believing! So many times, we allow ourselves to believe that just because God told us to go, do, or become, that the coast will be completely clear and we can expect everything to be peachy. NOT!!! We must, however, change our positions (change positions - nu position, nu position, oops...maybe shoulda kept that song to myself, HA!)

Anyhoo, truthfully speaking, I'm still not in my new place yet. I'm actually in my FOURTH stopping place since moving here. Thank God for caring people who have opened their doors along the way. Imagine how weird, and sometimes saddening it must feel to be semi-homeless and quasi-squatter (lol-that probably doesn't even make sense). And since I'm sure you're not reading this blog to become depressed, let me move on... I'm still not where I thought I'd be, but my position has changed. Now understand, chaning positions is NOT Just a paradigm-shift, its a complete life alteration!

I TRUST GOD! You can't allow circumstances to dictate your faith level. And you certainly can't allow the enemy to make your mind an incubator for fear and doubt. And for GOD'S SAKE, don't let people determine your rise and fall. Uh-oh, I think tonite's blog is turning into my faith wall. I'm believing Him for-

*my relationships - RESTORED, RIGHT, and PROMISING
*my family - WELL, WEALTHY, and REFRESHED

I hope you all jumped right in on that confession--make it your own. C'mon brothers and sisters - BE ENCOURAGED! No matter your age, situation, or circumstance, if God said it, He'll do it! If He told you to go, Go! If He's called you to be, Be! Let's do it together; LET'S TRUST GOD!


deep, but not profound (*private joke*)

*BIG SIGH* this has been a crazy week! Things are STILL not where they need to be; but, I won't complain! I'm allowing the dust to settle slowly but truly though, and God is MOS DEF keeping me! (I love my DADDY!) After the life changing occurrences of this past week, I began asking God questions that I hadn't asked in a long time - Why? What is this about? Why now? What in the world is this? Has your life ever been so topsy-turvy that your discussions with God go beyond questions and extend into a series of incomplete phrases like - "You mean to tell me_______" or "So, after all of that, ________"

Well, that was me almost 144 hours ago- (but, who's counting;)) -Out of house, home, friendship and feeling like I was close to being outta my mind. So many events stemmed from just those - tears, headaches, loss of appetite (which i'm sure helped me lose some pounds worth shedding, heehee). BUT, I refuse to harp any further on the negative.

Now, about 2 months ago, the Lord started dealing with me about the Biblical story of Jonah. We all know the story, but here's a quik run down:

*God called Jonah to preach to the people in Ninevah
*Jonah didn't wanna go
*Jonah hopped on a boat to another place, away from Ninevah
*A storm came and began damaging the boat all because Jonah wasn't supposed to be there. He should've been on his way to Ninevah
*Jonah knew it was his fault that the storm was destroying the boat and told the sailors they had to throw him overboard.
*They did.
*"God prepared a big fish" to swallow Jonah up.
*After learning his lesson, the big fish (some refer to it as a whale) threw him up on the shore of Ninevah, the place he should've been going the whole time.

This week, He reminded me of this story and said this to help me get through:
"Ypu're Jonah!" (if you've been kicked out, tossed aside, pushed away, denied, or shelved, all so quickly or for apparently no reason, You might be a Jonah too!) WELCOME. :)
Jonah could not do the things God assigned him to do, reach the people he was destined to reach, or become the person he was born to become, unless he got off that boat! However, it was his choosing that got him on the boat in the first place. Sometimes, God allows certain foundation-shakers to transpire in our lives because He knows we wouldn't make the necessary changes on our own. So, what happens? We have no other choice, then, but to be "thrown overboard"!
Now, be sure you understand me clearly - I'm not saying that in EVERY circumstance, God is tryna tell you something, because it really could just be your fault (lol - u kno how we get ourselves all wrapped up in stupid stuff...pi-tuh-fuhl, lol) But, trust and believe, the Lord will make it very clear to you which category you're in - Jonah or Non-Jonah (lol @ "Non-Jonah" - i'm just crackin myself up 2nyt). Just ask Him. And if He says "You're Jonah", do this:
*Embrace where you are.
*Understand that you've been given another chance to fulfill your assignment - reach the people you were destined to reach and become the person you were born to become! Your season is not over, it is only the beginning.
~And if He ever allows you back on that boat, be wise, stay tuned to His leading, and help keep the boat afloat!~


Get It All

Tonight, I was speaking to a dear friend of mine. As we spoke about my moving out of town, she said these words, "Let me tell you how I feel. I feel as though I haven't maximized our friendship and our time together." And while she had genuine excuses - marriage, family, work, etc. - she reminded me of an ideal that we often let slip.

Sometimes, we have to make the time. Now I'm not talking about letting people use you and drain you for all your time (that's anotha post...maybe tomorrow, heehee.) So often, though, we get so familiar with the people around us. We talk on the phone everyday, see one another at work, in class, at Church, and the gym. But, still our conversations are filled with surface gossip and the dealings of the day. When do we take time to ask "How are you doing?", WAIT for an answer, and Care about that answer? When do we call our friends just to say "I'm thinking about you" or "You crossed my mind today and I just had to call" or "Let me take you to lunch" or even "I just got paid. Need some gas?" I'm talking about a REAL friendship!

Friendship, per the Lewis Dictionary:), is a relationship based on mutual care and appreciation, where two or more individuals can feel comfortable sharing some of their commonalities, hobbies, and feelings. I feel as though when any of these parts are missing or out of sync, the friendship loses a part of its very essence. But, expressing care and exhibiting appreciation takes time.

Time is invaluable! The moment that I'm taking to type this line will never come again! I can't get that time back. So, the way I spent it has great significance.

I urge you! take time today for a friend. Don't give them a reason to feel that you don't care. Don't give them any room for feeling unappreciated. Let them vent if they need to. Don't make every conversation a fight or about yourself. In order for friendships to last, one can't be selfish. Keep your intentions pure. Do something together - swim, bowl, skate, or just talk - whatever you like.

Maximize your friendship NOW! Get everything you can out of it - Get it All! You'll reget it later if you don't. Take time to develop solid relationships that will stand the test of time - friends that are there and friends that care.



Expect Crisis

Everyone is so quick to discuss the blessings of God that are promised to us. But, they fail to realize that crisis (trials and tribulations) are promised also. Scripture clearly states "...you shall have tribulation." Good thing though, God has the final say!

~He makes your struggle work for you and
gives you grace to stand firm as you go through.~

You ask for patience? Well, patience only grows in an atmosphere of adversity. We often pray for things to happen immediately; but, we have no intentions on going through a process. When you want strength, expect to be stretched. When you want wisdom, expect problems that must be solved. When you want prosperity, expect to work hard. When you want favor, expect responsiblity.

So, in the middle of whatever crisis you may find yourself in today, go THROUGH it! Stay where God has you! Learn what He wants to teach you where you are. You'll be glad you did!

~Expect crisis. But Cheer Up because With Crisis, you can Expect Grace!~


True Love

~We all have our own views of love & they certainly can't all be listed on any 1 list, written in any 1 book, voiced at any 1 venue or felt in any 1 way; but, here are a few things that love is, in some form or another~

Love is the truest reflection of the heart's complexity
It's the one thing that can race, beat, and remain.
runs after
and remembers
Love desires, pants, calls
beyond the sensual to a place so private, so exceptional, so intimate
so free from flaws
in its originality
yet given character by one's individuality.
and forgives
Love understands the importance of friendship,
to create, cover, and care
and does what it takes
True Love is of God.
Everyone that loveth is born of God
and knoweth God.
He that loveth not,
knoweth not God
for God is love
Beloved, let us love one another
(I John 4:7,8)
Just when the tide of love's perfection
reaches the shore and leaves again
No tears
for without delay...
starts over and goes the distance,
calming storms and raging tempests
of the heart -
the heart that
can race, beat, and remain
The dichotomy of which
is formulated and developed by
the nervousness of first greetings,
the excitement of first seedlings,
and the togetherness of first evenings.
Go the distance in love.
Try beyond ability.
Believe in love.
Hear your heart.
The same heart that can race, beat, and remain
is sturdy, stable, and strong.
So, fall in - head over heels
With all of its emotions, you'd begin to wonder-
Could it be
that love has a name, a personality, a character essentially free,
yet transitioning, transforming, and revolutionizing til eternity?
Love is you and
Love is me.
(This is an excerpt from the blogger's already copywritten material)


Fillin' and Flowin'

~This is a throwback from a previous blog, but appropriate for today's feeling~

from John 2: 1- 10, NKJV.

Problem: The wine had run out! Picture it: Every one sitting around waiting to get drunk and Jesus chillin'! (too cool, heehee.) Anyhoo, in those days, having wine at a wedding showed wealth. It would have been humiliating to the bride and groom's family if they didn't have enough wine.

Well, after being shut down by his parents before when he wandered off and started preaching in the temple and had to pull that "I'm about my Father's business" line, He was not even thinking about doing another miracle. But, this is why Moms rule the world -- His mother came to Him about the 'wine issue'. Jesus responded like "Why are you coming to me to handle it? It's not my time!" However, we all know that "if Momma ain't happy, nobody's happy". So, she looked right passed Jesus and told the servants in the back, "Whatever He says to you, do it." (Jn 2:5)

Solution: Jesus immediately instructed them to fill six vessels with water to the brim. They did and started scooping the 'water' out. By the time that 'water' got to the "master of the feast," it was wine. (Jn.2:8) The master was so impressed that he called the groom over and said, "Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the [best] wine until now!" (Jn.2:10)

~Now let's apply this to our lives~

The #6 (as in "the SIX vessels") means the season of man, mankind, men or women of God. That's us. But, how many of us can say that we are allowing God to do the fillin'.

The Word of God is often time compared to water (seen as "the Water of the word" or "Living Water") The Word of God is our Source. Every answer, every solution - everything we need is in Him.

So, let Him do the fillin' and you do the flowin'! Allow yourself/ Commit yourself to be filled with the Word of God to CAPACITY so that you can be poured out and used for His glory! And "Oh, taste and see"....heehee. God is good. He won't let you down or put you in an embarrasing place. Trust Him, trust His Word, and flow in all that He has for you!


Blog Back, two

HAPPY AUGUST!!!!!!!!!!!!

It seems like the summer is just flying by! What have been your most exciting moments in June-July???


Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Catch 22...Between a Rock and a Hard Place???

I have found from my experience that the decision is just as important as your mentality during the decision-making process. Lately, I've been deciding between some things that a pros-cons list won't help. In fact, after making the list, there were exactly the same number of issues on both side. But...

Amazingly enough, I've been able to stay calm. It is ESSENTIAL that in times of crisis and confusion that you HOLD ON TO YOUR PEACE! It doesn't hurt to have friends that can give sound advice, input, and most importantly pray about it with/for you. Now, no worries! If you don't have anyone that you can honestly call friend, I completely understand---been there!

And I know you don't always want to hear that "there's a friend that sticks closer than a brother". But, TRUTHFULLY speaking, YOU DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give Jesus a try! Seriously, I would even say don't trust Him w/ your whole life at first if you don't want. BUT, I PROMISE YOU just one try - one prayer, one "help me God", one chance - and YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME! He's the ONLY ONE that get us through our ruts.

So, if you happen to be going through a tough time tonite, know that somebody understands and remember:

1- Until you reach your decision, Keep your Peace!
2- Trust Jesus! (whether you have good friends or not)


Blog Back, one

Dear Reader,

I have a friend who has a friend and he's really having difficuilties. Let's say his name is Tom. Tom and my friend, *Johnny used to be roomates back in the day and had a ball!!!! They always talked about wanting that 'tightness' back. They got older; their friendship matured; they talked about going to separate states and broadening their horizons. Now, conversation about them being back together (ACES) is all just a joke, a thing of the past, a "nice thought".

Here's the problem: Johnny is actually in a position now to make that 'joke-once-reality' idea actually happen and Tom doesn't really care. They're still great friends. But, Johnny feels like Tom is just saying okay; but, the excitement behind being friends, being close, being housemates, and being together again just wasn't there. Now, Johnny is moving, reconstructing his life, and wanting to make room for his best bud, but Tom is simply not overjoyed. Here Johnny thought that even though he was moving into a place where he knew so many, that he would have his best friend there most. Now, it seems like, even with knowing so many, he's alone because his friend doesn't care as much as he'd hoped. It hurts.

Answer this: If you were Johnny, how would you handle your emotions:
a. Act like you're just moving to a new place by yourself.
b. Include "Tom" in your plans anyway and risk more hurt if the answer's no.
c. Ignore the whole situation and try to act like it doesn't bother you.
d. Make "Tom" want to be with you.

I'm pretty sure the answer is NOT 'd'. But, I'm open. What do you think???


...Should have a tag

Have you ever walked up to a retail salesperson and asked the price of an item in your hand? And as they reach for the item, they say "Well, let's see...it should have a tag..." Now, instead of me saying, "Look woman, would I have asked you the price if it was on here?!" (lol), I follow her to the shelf to find a similar item with a tag.

Check yourself. Is your value obvious?

Allowing yourself to be abused, harassed, disrespected, lied to, and avoided hide who you really are. Take care of yourself - inside and out.

We're not perfect and we have those 'don't-feel-like-it-days'. No one's asking you to be thin, but be conscious. No one requires that you wear the latest and most fashionable, but be presentable.

Find something precious in you that motivates you to be all that you can be. YOU ARE SIGNIFICANT! There's something in you that we all need. There are dreams in you that must be fulfilled. And there are ways that you can impact the world that NO ONE ELSE can!


Don't be ashamed. You have value! Show your tag!


Does your church fit?

Please be advised~

Church is not simply a social network in which you log in and log out when you feel like it. It's not a place decided upon by demographics, list of activities/event , or the crush you have on the one in Bible Study. Church is what my friends and I like to call our "lifeline". It is where we must remained hooked in to gain knowledge, give thanks, and leave encouraged.

Let's go deeper~

It's so unfortunate how we as Believers can go to Church and leave untouched, unfulfilled, and underfed. Now, quite honestly, continuing in sin on a regular basis with no remorse can keep you "out of the loop" when it comes to the Church experience. You know - those times when everyone around you seems to be "gettin' a word" and you remain lifeless? That's definitely a symptom of being out of the will of God. However, if you're living a holy life as much as can be expected - making efforts to refrain from sin - and you know that God has called you to worship/serve in a particular Church (REGARDLESS OF DENOMINATION- that's a whole 'notha blog:)), then you should never leave without getting what God wants to reveal to you.

Know this~

People, we've deceived ourselves! After Church sometimes, we've left saying, "Well, somebody got what they needed today" or "maybe it just wasn't my day". LIES!!! LIES!!! LIES!!! heehee, no....seriously....

If He's called you to that Church, then He'll speak to you in that Church and use you there, every time you go. GET ALL THAT GOD HAS FOR YOU!


N.O.W, I

Nuggets Of Wisdom, one

You can't be yourself with EVERYONE!
Don't get me wrong. I'm all for being real, transparent, and authentic (in the words of a close friend of mine). But, it has been my experience that everybody can't handle it. So many times people only allow you to be the person that they expect you to be and nothing more. Other times, in an genuine attempt to be yourself, people make it so uncomfortable to do so. Unless Jesus Himself tells you otherwise, it's okay to keep some things to yourself. And think about it - Do you really want to have to go through all that explaining when they find out what you really used to do?? :)
Self-esteem, Self-help, Self-motivation, Self-improvement -
first word-----SELF!
Aside from Christ, self-esteem, self-help, self-motivation, and self-improvement involves SELF. Stop comparing yourself to others to heighten your esteem level. You can't wait on someone else to hand over help on a silver platter, there might be times that you just have to help yourSELF. Unfortunately, you can't depend on someone else to always ask how you're doing or check in on you. Trust ME, there will be days that you have to motivate yourSELF. And understand that no one can just make you do something. Change, outside of Christ, is self-induced. Improving and making yourself better is important as we revolutionize into the person God has called us to be.



from the simple words/phrases: "can" "won't" "want"
"boyfriend" "engaged" "i got u"
Call me old-fashioned, but Words mean something to me.

Let's address these:

"can" - (i.e. I can make it work.) Well, since you have the ability, try it. Don't sit idly by with ability and do nothing with it. Life's treasures are for those who use what they have to get what they can, instead of sitting around complaining about what others won't let you do.

"won't" - Don't keep asking. Don't keep tempting someone to do something - drugs, smoking, pre-marital sex - that they continually say the WON'T do. Peer pressure only has power when we give in and lose our "Won't"!

"want" - I haven't met anyone that would rather be needed than wanted. Need is often a sign of helplessness and sometimes, insecurity. It relies on someone to make things easier for them. But oh the goodhearted feeling we have when someone wants us! That says I'm not relying on you to make my situation or circumstance better; instead, I want you just because... Maybe this doesn't apply to you. But, I desire to be desired.

And, you'll find that some of the things we consider complex are really not as complicated if their spoken from a heart of sincerity--

"boyfriend" - I'm not saying that you have to commit to one another (boy/girlfriend) for eternity. But, at least while you're together, could you try (sarcastically said) not to stare at the girls passing on the street; or at least act like you care about only her. If you no longer have feelings for a person, have the common decency and respect to speak to them directly and explain.

"engaged" - Don't give the ring or accept a ring with question. Engagement doesn't mean "I'll think about it" or "Sure I'll marry you, unless a better offer comes along". Be committed!

"i got u" - Do you really? When a baby falls and a mother reaches down and says, "Come to mommy sweetie, I got you", it means they are there. It means they'll try to keep you from falling again. It means they care. It means they want you to trust them. It means they are willing to do what must be done to protect your body, your heart, your soul. It means they don't want you to cry from hurt, especially at their expense. Consider that next time you say or hear someone say "I got you" (or for those outside of the associated colloquialism - I have you):) Can you really uphold its meaning? If you have a friend that's not willing to do the above, they may not deserve the title. (see the Friendship Uncut blog)

WORDS MEAN SOMETHING! So, mean something when you say them!


Friendship Uncut

I took the time to consider aspects of my life today and thought this would encourage your heart.
So many times, we hear about how people can affect our lives. But, have you ever taken time to think about how we affect the lives of others? We all know the sayings, "Be kind!" "Walk in love!" and the most famous one, "You might be the only Jesus anyone will ever meet/see!" These are all true......

But, then there are those persons in your life already....
God has special plans for all His people. But, some of those plans don't include you! I received a forwarf via e-mail from someone on my buddy list that said, "Some people are in your lives for a reason or a season..." It's true...It's actually true.

Everyone that God puts in our lives are there for a reason. It is important, though, that as we stay connected to them that we keep God as the center. If He puts them in our lives, we've got to stay in tune to Him to keep that relationship in tact. When we don't, we lose focus of God's plan and purpose for our friendship/ relationship connection. Then, we end up holding on to someone we should release. Now, this is not for ForeverFriends. But, if you have FRIENDS in your life that don't deserve the title, read on:

Understand this--
It's not always about us. When we hold on to someone, we are holding THEM back. We are holding them back from THEIR place in God, THEIR destiny in God, and THEIR anointing!
DON'T BE SELFISH!!! God's plan for some people that are in your life goes beyond you. One person once said, "truly loving someone is wanting them to be happy in life even if their happiness means you're not a part of it." Let people go!!!! Not just for you; but, so that they can be the person GOD DESIRES FOR THEM TO BECOME!!!