

from the simple words/phrases: "can" "won't" "want"
"boyfriend" "engaged" "i got u"
Call me old-fashioned, but Words mean something to me.

Let's address these:

"can" - (i.e. I can make it work.) Well, since you have the ability, try it. Don't sit idly by with ability and do nothing with it. Life's treasures are for those who use what they have to get what they can, instead of sitting around complaining about what others won't let you do.

"won't" - Don't keep asking. Don't keep tempting someone to do something - drugs, smoking, pre-marital sex - that they continually say the WON'T do. Peer pressure only has power when we give in and lose our "Won't"!

"want" - I haven't met anyone that would rather be needed than wanted. Need is often a sign of helplessness and sometimes, insecurity. It relies on someone to make things easier for them. But oh the goodhearted feeling we have when someone wants us! That says I'm not relying on you to make my situation or circumstance better; instead, I want you just because... Maybe this doesn't apply to you. But, I desire to be desired.

And, you'll find that some of the things we consider complex are really not as complicated if their spoken from a heart of sincerity--

"boyfriend" - I'm not saying that you have to commit to one another (boy/girlfriend) for eternity. But, at least while you're together, could you try (sarcastically said) not to stare at the girls passing on the street; or at least act like you care about only her. If you no longer have feelings for a person, have the common decency and respect to speak to them directly and explain.

"engaged" - Don't give the ring or accept a ring with question. Engagement doesn't mean "I'll think about it" or "Sure I'll marry you, unless a better offer comes along". Be committed!

"i got u" - Do you really? When a baby falls and a mother reaches down and says, "Come to mommy sweetie, I got you", it means they are there. It means they'll try to keep you from falling again. It means they care. It means they want you to trust them. It means they are willing to do what must be done to protect your body, your heart, your soul. It means they don't want you to cry from hurt, especially at their expense. Consider that next time you say or hear someone say "I got you" (or for those outside of the associated colloquialism - I have you):) Can you really uphold its meaning? If you have a friend that's not willing to do the above, they may not deserve the title. (see the Friendship Uncut blog)

WORDS MEAN SOMETHING! So, mean something when you say them!

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