
deep, but not profound (*private joke*)

*BIG SIGH* this has been a crazy week! Things are STILL not where they need to be; but, I won't complain! I'm allowing the dust to settle slowly but truly though, and God is MOS DEF keeping me! (I love my DADDY!) After the life changing occurrences of this past week, I began asking God questions that I hadn't asked in a long time - Why? What is this about? Why now? What in the world is this? Has your life ever been so topsy-turvy that your discussions with God go beyond questions and extend into a series of incomplete phrases like - "You mean to tell me_______" or "So, after all of that, ________"

Well, that was me almost 144 hours ago- (but, who's counting;)) -Out of house, home, friendship and feeling like I was close to being outta my mind. So many events stemmed from just those - tears, headaches, loss of appetite (which i'm sure helped me lose some pounds worth shedding, heehee). BUT, I refuse to harp any further on the negative.

Now, about 2 months ago, the Lord started dealing with me about the Biblical story of Jonah. We all know the story, but here's a quik run down:

*God called Jonah to preach to the people in Ninevah
*Jonah didn't wanna go
*Jonah hopped on a boat to another place, away from Ninevah
*A storm came and began damaging the boat all because Jonah wasn't supposed to be there. He should've been on his way to Ninevah
*Jonah knew it was his fault that the storm was destroying the boat and told the sailors they had to throw him overboard.
*They did.
*"God prepared a big fish" to swallow Jonah up.
*After learning his lesson, the big fish (some refer to it as a whale) threw him up on the shore of Ninevah, the place he should've been going the whole time.

This week, He reminded me of this story and said this to help me get through:
"Ypu're Jonah!" (if you've been kicked out, tossed aside, pushed away, denied, or shelved, all so quickly or for apparently no reason, You might be a Jonah too!) WELCOME. :)
Jonah could not do the things God assigned him to do, reach the people he was destined to reach, or become the person he was born to become, unless he got off that boat! However, it was his choosing that got him on the boat in the first place. Sometimes, God allows certain foundation-shakers to transpire in our lives because He knows we wouldn't make the necessary changes on our own. So, what happens? We have no other choice, then, but to be "thrown overboard"!
Now, be sure you understand me clearly - I'm not saying that in EVERY circumstance, God is tryna tell you something, because it really could just be your fault (lol - u kno how we get ourselves all wrapped up in stupid stuff...pi-tuh-fuhl, lol) But, trust and believe, the Lord will make it very clear to you which category you're in - Jonah or Non-Jonah (lol @ "Non-Jonah" - i'm just crackin myself up 2nyt). Just ask Him. And if He says "You're Jonah", do this:
*Embrace where you are.
*Understand that you've been given another chance to fulfill your assignment - reach the people you were destined to reach and become the person you were born to become! Your season is not over, it is only the beginning.
~And if He ever allows you back on that boat, be wise, stay tuned to His leading, and help keep the boat afloat!~

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