
Fillin' and Flowin'

~This is a throwback from a previous blog, but appropriate for today's feeling~

from John 2: 1- 10, NKJV.

Problem: The wine had run out! Picture it: Every one sitting around waiting to get drunk and Jesus chillin'! (too cool, heehee.) Anyhoo, in those days, having wine at a wedding showed wealth. It would have been humiliating to the bride and groom's family if they didn't have enough wine.

Well, after being shut down by his parents before when he wandered off and started preaching in the temple and had to pull that "I'm about my Father's business" line, He was not even thinking about doing another miracle. But, this is why Moms rule the world -- His mother came to Him about the 'wine issue'. Jesus responded like "Why are you coming to me to handle it? It's not my time!" However, we all know that "if Momma ain't happy, nobody's happy". So, she looked right passed Jesus and told the servants in the back, "Whatever He says to you, do it." (Jn 2:5)

Solution: Jesus immediately instructed them to fill six vessels with water to the brim. They did and started scooping the 'water' out. By the time that 'water' got to the "master of the feast," it was wine. (Jn.2:8) The master was so impressed that he called the groom over and said, "Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the [best] wine until now!" (Jn.2:10)

~Now let's apply this to our lives~

The #6 (as in "the SIX vessels") means the season of man, mankind, men or women of God. That's us. But, how many of us can say that we are allowing God to do the fillin'.

The Word of God is often time compared to water (seen as "the Water of the word" or "Living Water") The Word of God is our Source. Every answer, every solution - everything we need is in Him.

So, let Him do the fillin' and you do the flowin'! Allow yourself/ Commit yourself to be filled with the Word of God to CAPACITY so that you can be poured out and used for His glory! And "Oh, taste and see"....heehee. God is good. He won't let you down or put you in an embarrasing place. Trust Him, trust His Word, and flow in all that He has for you!

1 comment:

T*Renee said...

My pastor has recently been preaching about the necessity of "Flow & Favor" an how as God's children, if we allow Him, He will turn all things into our hands and not only will we be blessed physically (favor) but we will also be full spiritually (flow). You have an interesting perspective on the story- Never heard it like that! :)