
Does your church fit?

Please be advised~

Church is not simply a social network in which you log in and log out when you feel like it. It's not a place decided upon by demographics, list of activities/event , or the crush you have on the one in Bible Study. Church is what my friends and I like to call our "lifeline". It is where we must remained hooked in to gain knowledge, give thanks, and leave encouraged.

Let's go deeper~

It's so unfortunate how we as Believers can go to Church and leave untouched, unfulfilled, and underfed. Now, quite honestly, continuing in sin on a regular basis with no remorse can keep you "out of the loop" when it comes to the Church experience. You know - those times when everyone around you seems to be "gettin' a word" and you remain lifeless? That's definitely a symptom of being out of the will of God. However, if you're living a holy life as much as can be expected - making efforts to refrain from sin - and you know that God has called you to worship/serve in a particular Church (REGARDLESS OF DENOMINATION- that's a whole 'notha blog:)), then you should never leave without getting what God wants to reveal to you.

Know this~

People, we've deceived ourselves! After Church sometimes, we've left saying, "Well, somebody got what they needed today" or "maybe it just wasn't my day". LIES!!! LIES!!! LIES!!! heehee, no....seriously....

If He's called you to that Church, then He'll speak to you in that Church and use you there, every time you go. GET ALL THAT GOD HAS FOR YOU!

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