
N.O.W, I

Nuggets Of Wisdom, one

You can't be yourself with EVERYONE!
Don't get me wrong. I'm all for being real, transparent, and authentic (in the words of a close friend of mine). But, it has been my experience that everybody can't handle it. So many times people only allow you to be the person that they expect you to be and nothing more. Other times, in an genuine attempt to be yourself, people make it so uncomfortable to do so. Unless Jesus Himself tells you otherwise, it's okay to keep some things to yourself. And think about it - Do you really want to have to go through all that explaining when they find out what you really used to do?? :)
Self-esteem, Self-help, Self-motivation, Self-improvement -
first word-----SELF!
Aside from Christ, self-esteem, self-help, self-motivation, and self-improvement involves SELF. Stop comparing yourself to others to heighten your esteem level. You can't wait on someone else to hand over help on a silver platter, there might be times that you just have to help yourSELF. Unfortunately, you can't depend on someone else to always ask how you're doing or check in on you. Trust ME, there will be days that you have to motivate yourSELF. And understand that no one can just make you do something. Change, outside of Christ, is self-induced. Improving and making yourself better is important as we revolutionize into the person God has called us to be.

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