

Okay, so....I know that we're going to struggle in our lives sometimes and have difficult times. I even know that everything won't be smooth sailing. But, for some reason, i like to think that it just shouldn't be ;) No, but seriously, how many of you would sign on the dotted line for stress, frustration, pain, and hurt. Shoot, "Not I" says the cat:)

So, let me tell u a lil of my business without telling you my business, heehee. A couple of months ago, i was laid off from my job (another one of those things I thought would never happen to me) But, it showed me that no matter how talented, seemingly invaluable, and successful you are, you can still be shown the door. Long story, short - Upon being laid off, the Lord made it clear to me that it was time to make a move. He opened door after door after door. I knew it was Him and, not even three weeks later, I was on the road - excited and ready for a new adventure. Conversely, once I moved, it almost seemed like a dead end. The road that He had made so clear before looked hazy and blurred.

But, in the midst of all that, this is what's been rolling around inside of me the past couple of days...

It is vital that we understand that when God opens doors for us, we must walk through IN FAITH and keep believing! So many times, we allow ourselves to believe that just because God told us to go, do, or become, that the coast will be completely clear and we can expect everything to be peachy. NOT!!! We must, however, change our positions (change positions - nu position, nu position, oops...maybe shoulda kept that song to myself, HA!)

Anyhoo, truthfully speaking, I'm still not in my new place yet. I'm actually in my FOURTH stopping place since moving here. Thank God for caring people who have opened their doors along the way. Imagine how weird, and sometimes saddening it must feel to be semi-homeless and quasi-squatter (lol-that probably doesn't even make sense). And since I'm sure you're not reading this blog to become depressed, let me move on... I'm still not where I thought I'd be, but my position has changed. Now understand, chaning positions is NOT Just a paradigm-shift, its a complete life alteration!

I TRUST GOD! You can't allow circumstances to dictate your faith level. And you certainly can't allow the enemy to make your mind an incubator for fear and doubt. And for GOD'S SAKE, don't let people determine your rise and fall. Uh-oh, I think tonite's blog is turning into my faith wall. I'm believing Him for-

*my relationships - RESTORED, RIGHT, and PROMISING
*my family - WELL, WEALTHY, and REFRESHED

I hope you all jumped right in on that confession--make it your own. C'mon brothers and sisters - BE ENCOURAGED! No matter your age, situation, or circumstance, if God said it, He'll do it! If He told you to go, Go! If He's called you to be, Be! Let's do it together; LET'S TRUST GOD!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is so true where we are now, does not determine our destiny. Trusting God during this time is so important. The world system is failing all around us and the only lasting thing is God and his word he's given us to stand on. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. You notice its not in our strength? Its the strength of God that keeps us strong and moving forward. Pressing on in God, fighting the good fight of faith. What makes it a good fight? We win!!!!