
Get It All

Tonight, I was speaking to a dear friend of mine. As we spoke about my moving out of town, she said these words, "Let me tell you how I feel. I feel as though I haven't maximized our friendship and our time together." And while she had genuine excuses - marriage, family, work, etc. - she reminded me of an ideal that we often let slip.

Sometimes, we have to make the time. Now I'm not talking about letting people use you and drain you for all your time (that's anotha post...maybe tomorrow, heehee.) So often, though, we get so familiar with the people around us. We talk on the phone everyday, see one another at work, in class, at Church, and the gym. But, still our conversations are filled with surface gossip and the dealings of the day. When do we take time to ask "How are you doing?", WAIT for an answer, and Care about that answer? When do we call our friends just to say "I'm thinking about you" or "You crossed my mind today and I just had to call" or "Let me take you to lunch" or even "I just got paid. Need some gas?" I'm talking about a REAL friendship!

Friendship, per the Lewis Dictionary:), is a relationship based on mutual care and appreciation, where two or more individuals can feel comfortable sharing some of their commonalities, hobbies, and feelings. I feel as though when any of these parts are missing or out of sync, the friendship loses a part of its very essence. But, expressing care and exhibiting appreciation takes time.

Time is invaluable! The moment that I'm taking to type this line will never come again! I can't get that time back. So, the way I spent it has great significance.

I urge you! take time today for a friend. Don't give them a reason to feel that you don't care. Don't give them any room for feeling unappreciated. Let them vent if they need to. Don't make every conversation a fight or about yourself. In order for friendships to last, one can't be selfish. Keep your intentions pure. Do something together - swim, bowl, skate, or just talk - whatever you like.

Maximize your friendship NOW! Get everything you can out of it - Get it All! You'll reget it later if you don't. Take time to develop solid relationships that will stand the test of time - friends that are there and friends that care.


1 comment:

Anointed Arts said...

So true, Dr. Luv! I hope we can become friends:) "A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." Prov 18:24